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Ancient History History

ARYABHATTA (आर्यभट) – Biography, Inventions and Theories

Indian soil gave a surge to multiple inspirational individualities like those who had a part in the advancement of India. In the nascent phases of improvement, well let me get you a time frame during 476AD a mathematical expert was born in Patna, Aryabhatta. Who at the age of 23 bestowed to the classical age of India with his practice and gave concurrently a fresh philosophy about astronomical exhibitions with at-most accurateness without any telescope, calculator, or any of the technologies back in the time when the world was not civilized enough. We had extraordinary intellectuals whose contributions to date are in practice.


He experimented at Nalanda University which now exists as a UNESCO site in Bihar. He was passionate about mathematical computations and star arrangement which eventually ushered him to be India’s first scientist. Aryabhatta influenced Indian astronomical convention and several other cultures via his work he was the one to influence maths for years to come and without his conclusions, it wouldn’t have been feasible for us to comprehend math as we do now. Not much is inferred about his friends and family but what we all should know is that his work paved the aisle to find out different things, furnished a vision to work upon, and started up the astronomical and mathematical improvement.

Here are the details that one should not miss out on about Aryabhatta.Birthplace: A bunch of discussions prevails contemplating where was he born. Some speculations suspect that he was born in Southern India possibly Kerala, Tamil Nadu, or Andra Pradesh. Others have to assert that in the North-Eastern part of India especially Bengal.

Another set of hypotheses are that he was born in the Asmaka region of the Vakataka Dynasty in Southern India, although a majority of people have confluence that he inhabited maximum of his life in Kusumapura in Northern India.Gupta Dynasty: Popularly recalled as Golden Age of India. Aryabhatta’s revealing and work is attributed to this era of the narrative of India. Surprisingly, Aryabhatta’s work is the only outliving work of this time frame (5th century). His work is observed as “Magnum Opus” which had alphabet numerals.

Aryabhatta – The Man Beyond His Years


A Challenger to Superstitious Theories:

Back then in time people acknowledged that occasionally Moon is black or red due to some sacred godly facets (Rahu and Ketu) Aryabhatta was the first individual in the world to find out and uncover phenomenon about the Sun, the Moon and the Earth which is named Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse. He has also provided a full rationale for the occurrence of these phenomenons.

Geocentric Theory:

Much before Copernicus he was the one to formulate and illustrate a blueprint of the solar system with the earth as a center and all other bodies striding around it. Which of course is not valid but having this abundant percentage of understanding and awareness in the classical age is what we are fascinated at.

Astronomical Fascination:

Aryabhatta even computed the circumference of the earth and figured it to be 39,968km (without any sort of specialized or technological aid) which is just 104km less than what it’s 40,072km. He analyzed the occurrence of the process of rotation of the earth on its axis resulting in day and night which all sums up his expertise in planetary activities.

Mathematical Wonders:

Fifteen thousand years back then, he came up with the understanding of the decimal system, found out the place value system, value of Pi, and the tremendous contribution for times to come to the theory of zero. All of this is used even presently and because of these discoveries by Aryabhatta India engraved its position on the list of the world’s greatest contributions

Knowledge of Trigonometry:

Evidence shows the practice of sin and cosine in his work. He became the initial person to use Trigonometry but the East India Company during the colonial period took it to England for supplementary researches and announced it to be their discovery. His work is not confined to Trigonometry but we even find Algebra. Al Biruni his pupil revised all his work and labeled it Algebra.


One of his prominent works is Sutra Literature. This gives us a summary of Hindu mathematics up to that time. The text is in verse form and disseminated into four chapters with a hundred and eight verses.  It comprises tables of sines and fractions. Interestingly enough, we see no numbers existing in it, he put down maths without utilizing any numeral or digit. This work is even translated into Latin in the 13th century. Greek and Arabs acquired this work by Aryabhatta.

Aryabhatta Sidhanta:

This work is the entire of Vedic astronomy. The essence of the booklet deals with daily astronomical analysis as well as a handbook to evaluate auspicious time for performing rituals. In today’s time what our priests use is “Panchanga” (Hindu calendar) to find out the optimistic day which is derived from Aryabhatta’s work. Omar Khayam Persia’s mathematician, economist, and poet developed the Jalali calendar based on Aryabhatta’s calendar. His astronomical outcomes developed in the estimation of Arabic astronomical tables.

First Satellite:

India’s foremost satellite was tagged after its first scientist Aryabhatta which was launched on 19.04.1975. The moon has a crater named Aryabhatta. Patna government in 2008 established Aryabhatta Knowledge University. In Nanital we have a research center titled after his name, ARIES- Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences for astrophysics, astronomy, and atmospheric sciences.

Also Read: Top 10 Fascinating Stories Of Shiva

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