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How to install vice City for android?

GTA: Grand Theft Auto or Vice City, whatever you may be calling it. It is one of the games we all grew up playing. There was a time we used to remember the roads of this game better than our own city roads. Every corner of the map was visited so much during missions or free rides that we knew exactly what we would find there. Some of us even knew the location of our favorite cars. Of course, this location was not always fixed and was completely random, but we still managed to find them. We knew where exactly to look for and what are the high probability areas.

Almost all of us played this game on our PCs and used to remember the “cheat” codes for the same. Now, you will be delighted to know that your favorite game is on Android too. Shocking, right?

Vice City App for Android

Well, we had the same initial reaction. What can we say about this, the makers of the game have finally heard all our prayers! We now have Vice City Apk For Android. This means we don’t even need to get to our PCs anymore if we want to play the game. We can just pick up our phone and just start playing it wherever we want. That is how convenient it has become. We all wish it was that easy when we were younger.

Vice City Apk For Android is definitely good news for all the GTA fans out there, so let us read more about it.

Vice City Apk For Android: Gameplay

Obviously, the story of the game remains the same. A failed business deal leads our main man into the world of crime. He meets different people throughout the journey who hand over many missions to him. These missions included all types of crimes and dealt with a lot of risks. The weapons, the fights, the stories, the vehicles chases were more than enough to give us our dose of adrenaline rush. Some of the missions were so hard that it would take hundreds of hours and failed attempts to finally pass it. That happiness of finishing a very hard mission was always indescribable.

Anyway, that was about the story of the game we all know about. But can we talk about Vice City and not talk about cheat codes? Of course not! These cheat codes added a much more fun element to the game. If you just want to stroll around the city in your favorite cars, you had cheat codes. You can also mess with the police and try all types of weapons on them or normal public with the help of these codes. The sheer joy was unimaginable.

Now, as Vice City Apk For Android is finally here let us talk about that.

Vice City Apk For Android

How to install vice City for android?

The makers have made sure that we don’t face any problems with the controls. As most of the players were habitual of playing on PCs, so they expect similar controls to be able to play better. You can use your left hand to make moves in all the direction by just sliding. For changing the viewing angle, you just have to slide on the right side. Other controls such as running, attacking, getting into a car are also present on the right side of the screen.

As usual, there is a map on the top left of the screen which gives you directions through the game. At last, you have your health, police status, time and money on the top-right of the screen.

Overall, the gaming experience is wonderful because as expected of Rockstar Games the visuals are amazing. The controls are something different. No one could have ever imagined that the controls of a PC game on an Android could be so amazing. It is so easy to play this game, even on the small screen and without a keyboard and a mouse. The experience still remains unchanged.

We are still not sure about whether they have the option of cheat codes or not. But still, the game is pretty good for an Android phone. As you may have noticed that Vice City Apk For Android is a paid game on the Google Play Store so let us help you with that. You need to follow the steps we have mentioned below in order to download and install Vice City Apk For Android for free.

How to install Vice City Apk For Android?

How to install vice City for android?

Normally all the apps and games are easily available on the Google Play Store and the same goes for Vice city also. The problem is that it is a paid game, now you can do two things to be able to play the game for free. Use a patching or hacking tool to bypass license verification and download it for free. But that would require you to root your phone, so be careful.

The second option is downloading from the steps mentioned below.

 – Click on the download button below, and you will be headed to a new Vice City Apk download page.

 – You can download Vice City Apk For Android from this page easily.

 – Just agree with the terms and conditions and the downloader will automatically do the rest for you.

 – After the download is completed, locate the APK file in the Downloads folder.

 – Run this APK file and follow all the instructions that appear on your screen.

 – After this, the installation process will start. This will take some time.

 – When the installation is complete, tap on done, and you are ready to play GTA Vice City on your Android.


This was all the information on Vice City Apk For Android. Now, what are you waiting for? Just go ahead, download the game and start playing. You will definitely feel nostalgic, reliving all the old memories again. Just like we did!

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