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7 Things Parents Should Do To Improve Child’s School Education

All parents want their kids to study well. A success in school is a guarantee that, in the future, the child will become a good specialist, find a highly paid job and enjoy success in life. If you want the pupil to finish a school excellently, support him.

Not all mothers and fathers manage to help their sons and daughters in overcoming educational difficulties because they do not know how to do it right. Parental help is not limited to paying for lessons with tutors, buying textbooks and searching the Internet for a good writing service.

Here are a few recommendations on how to help your child become more successful in learning activities.

Interact with the child, communicate with him

Happy teacher listening to her students Free Photo

Normal healthy communication of a child with his parents helps him to become more open, willing to share his thoughts and difficulties, to look for solutions together.

Parents of pupils aged up to 10 years old should ask what happened during the day at school, what was the most interesting in a cartoon which the child recently watched, etc.

In a conversation with older children, it is necessary to touch upon feelings and experiences. Let the pupil express his opinion about other people, analyze the events that take place not only in school and at home, but also outside them: in the city, in the country, in the world.

Enrich the vocabulary and expand the horizons of the student

Woman and children sitting on floor Free Photo

If your child asks something, do not say that you have no time. Remember, you do not need to know the answers to all the questions. If your son or daughter says “Is it true that the Tasmanian devil really exists?”, answer “Let’s look in the encyclopedia!” It will not take much time, whereas, for a child, it is an excellent opportunity to learn how to use reference books and to supplement knowledge, which will have a beneficial effect on schooling.

Share your thoughts and read aloud to a child

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Read fiction, poems, sing songs with the child, even if he is over seven years old. Discuss the works of art together. Let the kid retell the story to you, draw an illustration for the most liked episode, learn by heart and recite the poems of his beloved poet.

Buy newspapers and magazines more often. Read the news articles aloud and explain their essence. Perhaps, much will be unclear to the child. However, interest in the events taking place in the world is an important factor in successful learning, and it is necessary to teach the student to follow the news.

Ask about school matters more often

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The more you know about what happens in school, the topics which students pass on particular subjects, how your child copes with the program, whether there is a good teacher in his class, the more opportunities you will have to increase the pupil’s level of knowledge.

Ask about homework, check the correctness and timeliness of its performance. But do not be an overseer and a tyrant! Build a trustful, warm relationship with the child, help him to solve a difficult problem or to prepare an essay. If you support the pupil rather than reproach him for bad marks, he will strive to improve the knowledge.

Do not scold your kid. The quarrel will lead to nothing good. It is better to talk, find out why he received a bad mark, analyze the situation and find ways to eliminate the problem. It is important to explain that an unpleasant mark can easily rise and turn into “excellent”, it is only necessary to make efforts.

Avoid comparisons with other children

Many parents have a habit of comparing their child with other children. But they need to realize that each person is unique, and all pupils perform tasks in different ways. Your child has his own skills and abilities, according to which he performs the assignments. Forcing the kid to act like the others, you just demotivate and upset him. Such a practice can lead to the fact that the pupil will finally lose interest in education and will not learn from his own mistakes.

Proper nutrition is the key to successful learning

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Modern research has shown that the brain is one of those organs that suffer from malnutrition most of all. Therefore, if your child is irritable, quickly becomes tired, poorly memorizes the educational material, began to receive lower marks at school, look at what he eats. Often, these symptoms are caused by malnutrition.

Propose a healthy menu for your kid. Pack lunch in plastic bags (this will help to avoid hunger in school time). It is important that the food should be not only useful but also delicious. Otherwise, the child will buy ice cream and chips in the nearest shop during the breaks.

Also, a healthy sleep is very important. The pupil should not go to bed too late, because he will not restore the energy balance. 8-9 hours – optimal sleep time.

Communication between parents and teachers

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A teacher can indicate with the greatest accuracy the subjects in which your child is immaculate and disciplines which he needs to improve. It is enough just to find a moment of time, call a school or a teacher and consult.

These are just a few effective ways to help your child succeed in school. Give him a helping hand and the opportunity to make his future brighter. Develop yourself, and your kid will develop together with you. Remember: loving, caring and wise parents are a guaranty that the student will not only be good at learning but also will grow up into a thinking, educated person, a worthy individual.

So do not spare the time, do not push the child away if he comes to you with a question or wants to talk heart to heart. Watch his health and encourage his success. Build relationships on friendly terms, and everything will be fine. It is only necessary to want it!

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