Movies Movies By Industry South Indian MoviesTop 20 Best Rajnikanth Movies of all time | Top Films of RajnikanthShruti SinghJuly 18, 2021February 16, 2022 by Shruti SinghJuly 18, 2021February 16, 202205903Rajnikant is a name that is known to every single Indian. His fanbase has emerged to be called remarkable in both Bollywood and South Indian...
Entertainment Music22 BEST PUNJABI SINGERS | TOP PUNJABI SINGERSShruti SinghJune 21, 2021October 12, 2021 by Shruti SinghJune 21, 2021October 12, 202108799Punjabi music along with Bollywood music has always been the soul of the party. In marriage events, birthday parties, college reunions and so on. It...
History Medieval History TravelAmer Fort – History, Facts, Best Places & Time To VisitShruti SinghMay 27, 2021May 27, 2021 by Shruti SinghMay 27, 2021May 27, 202107375The exotic Amer fort (Amber fort) near the pink city, Jaipur, built with the yellow and pink sandstones never fails to grab attention. It reflects...