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What are Elon Musk’s dream ideas for Mars and Space X?

From a historical perspective, humanity started to conquer space seemingly; yesterday; Yuri Gagarin’s flight around Earth’s orbit and America’s landing on the Moon gave birth to a new era in science. At the same time, colonizing space has been a dream of many scientists, fiction writers, and romantics long before the first rocket was launched; and now, in just several years, this dream can finally come true—all due to one man’s devotion. Let’s find out what are Elon Musk’s dream ideas for Mars and Space X?

Elon Musk’s dream ideas for Mars and Space X – 

Elon Musk’s SpaceX program, a private initiative of building a self-sustaining colony on Mars, is shockingly close to opening a new page in the book of humanity’s wanderings. He believes colonizing other planets is not just a fantasy, and that it can become real in the next few years. Thus, recognizing the existing challenges, he seeks ways to overcome them, and this is what the whole SpaceX project is about.

Elon musk's dream ideas

Musk’s first step was to build a cheap rocket. He succeeded: Falcon 9, the rocket developed by SpaceX, costs almost four times less in terms of launching—only $61 million per launch. At the same time, Falcon 9 may not be large enough to deliver much cargo to the orbit, or to the planet itself, so the next step for Musk’s team was to create a bigger, more spacious rocket (Global News). Needless to say that with the decrease of the costs of construction and launching, along with increased cargo capacity, Space X Falcon 9 rocket opens new horizons to the space industry, as well as provides humanity with a powerful tool for future space colonization. However, there is more to it.

Elon musk's dream ideas

In 2015, SpaceX successfully completed a vertical take-off. The rocket carried a payload of commercial satellites on board, deployed them in a vertical landing procedure (VTVL)—once again, with its Falcon 9 rocket and then successfully returned back to Earth, in one piece. More specifically, the rocket’s reusable main-stage booster returned from the orbit to its launch pad at Cape Canaveral, becoming the first rocket that can be regularly used for commercial purposes (The Indian Express).

Combined with the decreased construction and launch costs, such reusability makes Falcon 9 an even cheaper and more favourable alternative to other existing rockets, and perhaps the only—at least for now—spacecraft able to assist humanity in space colonization. Musk believes Falcon 9 can be “used almost indefinitely so long as there is scheduled maintenance and careful inspections.” The Falcon 9 Block 5, the final version of the series, is perfectly suitable for easy reuse (University Herald). The plans Elon Musk and SpaceX have are much greater than just delivering cargo to the orbit, though. Musk’s idea is to send 1,000 spaceships with 100 people each to the Red Planet. To make this process safer in many ways, SpaceX will first construct a refueling station on Mars; after this, a spaceship with the equipment necessary for constructing a station will be sent.

Elon musk's dream ideas

This, as well as Musk’s grandiose plans for the nearest future, makes it easy to believe that in just a decade or two, humanity will be able to not only set its feet but live on Mars. And, probably, on other planets as well.

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