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Managing Life With Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Living with Hidradenitis suppurativa is not always easy but there is hope and you are not alone. While the treatments medically are about helping to manage the symptoms, there are also things you can do at home to help lessen the impact of a flare-up and to manage the pain and lack of mobility. From clothing tips to lifestyle changes, adopting a hidradenitis suppurativa diet and more, here are some ideas from the medical world and fellow HS warriors.

Effective Ideas From Medical World & Fellow HS Warriors:

To Help Relieve Pain:

When the lumps are causing more than just discomfort there are a few things you can do to relieve or ease the pain. Wraps and cool compresses on the areas that are affected can help. You can also try either over the counter pain relief or talk to your doctor about something more appropriate and effective. Moving towards a more balanced hidradenitis suppurativa diet can help too as does quitting smoking. 

To Reduce Irritation Caused By Friction:

Wear clothing that does not chafe against the skin and wash the clothing in detergents that are free from perfume and dyes. Keeping cool and reducing how you sweat can also help reduce irritation and symptoms. Also, take a look at the soaps you are using and the shower gels and body creams. Avoid scrubbing your skin too vigorously or doing anything that irritates your skin. 

Choose To Eat a More Balanced Diet & Do What You Can To Be Active:

How to Eat a Balanced Diet

It is recommended that a healthy diet consists of 5 to 8 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Eat lean meats, reduce saturated fats and also reduce sugary foods, dairy and brewer’s yeast. How far you take your new hidradenitis suppurativa diet is up to you and depends on your own situation and symptoms. Set yourself achievable goals and each day make at least one choice towards a better way of eating. Eating well and trying to be active is not just to help manage HS better, it helps with other things too. 

Being active is hard if your mobility is affected. But do not feel like you have to do 30 minutes or more for it to mean anything, this is not the case. Anything you do helps. You can do it even in your home. Sing a song in your head and move your feet for a few minutes. Do some arm exercises. You might even find your mental well-being is improved as well as your physical. To avoid aggravating your lesions when being active you could;

  • Choose less strenuous or intense activities
  • Wear materials that are breathable like bamboo, modal or cotton
  • Do it in front of your air conditioner or fan
  • Drink lots of water to keep hydrated
  • Shower after in a shower that is not too hot
  • Avoid chafing by taking breaks

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