Looking to crack any government exam? Then you have come to the right place. If you are preparing for government jobs like Defence, Banking, SSC, Teaching, PSU recruitment, UPSC, Railway etc., we have brought to you Prepp.in a complete solution for all your government exams preparation needs.
The portal provides information on various central government exams such as defence, banking, SSC, teaching, PSU recruitment, railway and UPSC. Prepp.in will give you information regarding the syllabus, and selection procedure and eligibility criteria of the exams in a very crisp manner. Read on and find out on your own.

Notification of Upcoming Exams:
Forgot the application dates or missed the deadlines? With Prepp.in, you will never have to suffer for such important events. The website has a very good feature of Registration, one can register and forget all the worries of forgetting the updates and notifications. With a proper calendar, the website will keep you posted.

Stay up to date with all government exam notifications; whether it is the application deadlines, status of admit cards, check the cutoff and results of various examinations and the release of new practice papers.

Result of Government Exams:
This section helps the student in knowing how to obtain scorecard and checking the probable scores with the help of the Answer Key. The website publishes the answer keys on the website as soon as the official website releases the answer keys.
Prepp.in also gives the cut off marks of previous year examination so that a student can be aware of his possibility of clearing the examination.
Practice Papers:
The website has a separate section of Practice Papers, in which students/ aspirants can buy a few online test series for practice too. I have not seen any such platform before where I have found all the information about the government exams and the practice sets. This portal holds various practice papers according to their examination so that a student can be confident before the examination and remain fully prepared to crack the examination. This is one of the key factors which helps aspirants in their government exams preparation.
Those students who are new into the race of government job, the Prepp.in provides the preparation tips.

Admit Card Download:
Prepp.com website has the admit card section too. I would say, this section is actually very important to all the aspirants preparing for the government exams. The section lists the various exams of which the admit cards have been released or to be released.
Along with the important dates of releasing the admit card, the section also holds the information about the documents to be carried on the exam day, how to download the admit card, details mentioned on the hall ticket and instructions to be followed at the exam centre. Prepp.in provides all the resourceful information in easy language to the readers.

Application Form Section
From this section, you will have the direct link access of a particular government exam. Along with the direct form access, this section would lead you to the most important details such as dates of form submission, application fee, mode of payment, steps to fill the application form and all the required set of documents.
You can also get the notification of the upcoming examination on the home page so that you don’t miss an update about any new exam.
Students can search following on Prepp.in
- Various exam preparation
- Practice sample paper for your targeted exam
- Government job notification, application procedure, last date to apply
- Download the result and notification and admit cards directly
- Updates about Deadlines of targeted exams
- Tips to prepare for government exam
- See your latest government job exam Result

Final Words…
After going through the entire website it can be said that it Prepp.in is an updated informative website which guides every student/ aspirant/ candidates preparing for the government exams. Whether filling up the application form or the declaration of result, it will guide you by providing you with various tips to clear the examination as well as offering you practice papers. It is one of the best websites for students who are preparing for the central government job examination.
A government job is a dream for every student. You can sharpen your skills and prepare for your exams better with the help of Prepp.in. You will get all updates and alerts about upcoming government exams at a single place and you will never miss anything. Start studying and working on your government exams preparation right away!