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8 Tips To Survive Your First Day In Rust

Survive Your First Day In Rust

Rust is undoubtedly one of the most brutal and enjoyable survival games of all time. Since the game has no tutorial, you might find yourself lost if you are just getting started. Surviving the first day in Rust can be pretty challenging, especially if it’s night. Depending on the server you join, you might find yourself at the beach or in the middle of nowhere.

Players start naked with just a rock and a torch in hand. You are to gather resources such as wood, stones, and food to stay alive. Having said that, let’s take a look at some undetected rust cheats used by most players. These tips will help you survive in the unforgiving world of Rust.

1. Choose the correct server

Survive Your First Day In Rust

While you may get tempted to go for an official server, it is not a good idea since many players won’t know their way around. From the community servers menu, try to find servers with search terms such as ‘beginner,’ ‘friendly, or ‘noob.’ Players can still kill you here, but chances of that happening are pretty low.

2. Making a sleeping bag should be your first goal

Survive Your First Day In Rust

The sleeping bag in Rust is one of the most important tools. It lets the players create a spawn point by simply placing it on the ground. It will save you time by avoiding the long walk from the beach (the default spawn point).

3. Hit the X mark when collecting wood and stones

Survive Your First Day In Rust

Farming for materials is the core element of the game. If you want to make weapons, torches, and houses, you will need to farm materials to do so. You can do that using the rock you have, but it will take a lot of time. If you want to farm fast, make sure you hit the X mark on the screen when chopping trees or stones. It will let you get more wood per hit.

4. Avoid overfarming

Even though farming is one of the most critical parts of the game, try not to over farm. Many new players do this and waste their time. It can be quite frustrating to gather a large number of resources and die before you make it to your base. And since dying is a part of Rust, it is wiser to regularly gather some resources and go back to your base.

5. Base location matters a lot

Everything you do depends on the location of the base. Explore the forests and find a secluded spot for your base. Make sure there are some resources nearby you can use. Also, the Rust map is quite big, and you might want to go miles to fetch some resources, but we advise you not to. Things can get frustrating if you travel a long distance and get killed since you will respawn at the base.

One of the safe places, if you are just getting started, is the forest. Deserts are too hot, and snowy areas will turn you to ice.

6. Approach points of interest with the utmost caution

There are several points of interest spread throughout the map. While they do provide some valuable resources and materials, many of them are a hotspot for other players. Make sure you approach them cautiously. Other people on the server might be waiting for you to walk right into their ambush.

7. Avoid letting your base “Rust”

Like the name of the game implies, nothing lasts forever, especially in Rust. Things decay and rust quite fast. To avoid this, you need to build a tool from 1000 wood pieces. Place it in the base of your choice and keep some building materials in the cupboard provided. Although building a big base can be appealing, keep in mind that the maintenance process will eat up a significant chunk of resources.

8. Always build two doors to your base

If you meet someone who has better equipment than you do, your best chance of surviving is making it back to your base in one piece. However, it can be quite risky since you might die when entering the base and give the other player everything you own. Building two locked rooms and stashing all your valuables in the last one will help you save your loot even if other players manage to enter your base.


Don’t get frustrated if you die over and over again; it’s just a part of the game. These tips and tricks will definitely help you survive in the world of Rust! For such tips and tricks, stay connected and leave a comment for more related queries. 

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