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Why Is A Poker Face As Important As Poker Rules?

A poker face is good for poker games, especially if you play at a land-based casino or with friends. It is the best facial expression you can put to hide or cover up your true intentions or feelings. A poker face helps you hide your right moves and thoughts from everyone else and makes them think you are emotionless or arrogant. In most cases, it is a game-changer, while it is a bad move in others. Many people will misjudge you because the expression on your face does not correspond to how you claim you are feeling. Ultimately, it is an important strategy to employ while playing poker, the same as poker rules, and here is why.

What Is A Poker Face?

It is a playing face associated with a poker player at the playing table. It is the facial expression a poker player wears, intending to misguide their opponents. It is difficult to tell a player’s next move or what they are thinking about with a poker face. Some poker faces are funny and laughable, some are bad, and some are cringy.

Every time you watch a movie with a poker game in a scene, they will try to overstate the importance of the poker face. The faces the actors depict are irrelevant to the hand. Any creativity, strategies, and moves you can make at the table are essential in increasing your winning chances, which will earn you more in the end.

Why Is Poker Face As Important As The Rules?

While playing poker, it is vital to follow the poker rules as they are an important part of the game. Not following the rules could lead to disqualification from the game or a loss that you are not looking for. Apart from the basic Poker game rules, a poker face is equally important to maximize winning chances. But why is it as important?

It keeps Your Hand Safe

While playing poker, the most important thing is to keep your hand safe and not let your opponent get a clue of how you’re doing. Using a poker face helps you achieve this by displaying an expression opposite to what you have. For instance, you can make a face that is natural-looking whether you have just lost everything or made the crown jewels. As a result, it sends the competitors astray.

Keeps Your Emotions In Check

When playing poker, the number one strategy is to always have your emotions in check. Do not become overwhelmed. Maybe you just witnessed all your dreams go up in smoke or see a possible winning streak; what do you do? Jumping up and down or smiling might sell you out to the opponents. Getting angry, throwing your hands in the air, or looking hopeless could also sell you out. The opponents will detect weakness and use it to their advantage.

Unlike online poker, you can’t jump or scream when you hit a big hand. With online poker, you can jump, scream, and call friends and family to come to celebrate with you and your opponents will see what you are doing or what you plan to do.

It Gives You Consistency

Having a consistent face while playing poker is vital. Poker players are like predators hunting for prey in the wild. They are hunting for more information; whatever they can get, they will take it and use it against you. A poker face, especially a consistent one, will help you obtain more information, give away as little information as possible, and help you make better decisions. Identify a look that is simple to create and stick with it. However, do not stray much; otherwise, the opponents will notice that something is up with you and find ways of attacking.

It Gives False Information

While at the poker table, your opponents will always look you in the eyes to try reading you. When wearing a poker face, try to blink whenever they look at you. Failure to blink will make you anxious and nervous, which will make your face involuntarily give off information to the attentive opponents or to those who know how to read people.

It Gives You The Element Of Surprise

When you wear a poker face, your opponents do not know what to make of it. This gives you confidence and control in the game. Maybe on the inside, you are burning with anxiety and no confidence at all, but they will never know. Other people might think you are sad, low, intimidating, and second-guessing your next move. This will give you the advantage of surprising them with a move they were not expecting, which could make you win the hand or get you closer to winning.


While a poker face is important in a poker game, it needs constant practice. If you will do something to mislead your opponents, do it right, and do not experiment. Try practicing in the mirror; a good poker face should not make you sweat, making the facial contortion. It would help if you were comfortable and relaxed in it; otherwise, the opponents will notice something is happening with you.

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