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21 Weird Phobias You Never Knew Existed

8. Ablutophobia – Fear of bathing and cleaning

Hygiene holds utmost importance in our lives and it is a big factor in maintaining good health. But some people find it difficult to wash, clean or take bath due to their fears.  Ablutophobia is the abnormal fear of washing, cleaning or bathing.

Bathtub phobia weird strange unusual

9. Sesquipedalophobia – Fear of long words

This is a very strange phobia. Sesquipedalophobia is the fear of long words.  This can’t be a coincidence that the word used for fear of long word is itself too long. The origin of this word is interesting as it probably related to the length of the world.

10. Siderophobia – Fear of stars

We all grew up listening to the iconic lullaby “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”. we loved finding stars in the night sky.  Some people fear stars and the condition is known as Siderophobia.  The people having it want to avoid going outside at night. They want to stay indoors with all the window curtains shut when it gets dark.

Stars phobia weird strange unusual

11.Plutophobia – Fear of money

This is again a very weird phobia.  Plutophobia is the fear of money or wealth. The word originates from the word Pluto, the Roman god of wealth.  People who have this condition do not want any money. The people suffering to the extreme may leave the family or society.

12. Symmetrophobia – Fear of symmetry

Another bizarre phobia joins the list.  Have you noticed the most prominent building, monuments are symmetrical?  As the name suggests, Symmetrophobia is the fear of symmetrical things. Some people perceive symmetry as perfection and those who fear perfection may have this fear.

symmetry phobia weird strange unusual

13. Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13

Many hotels, building across the world does not have the 13th floor. A lot of people believe in the superstitions around number 13.  While some people fear number 13, People suffering from it have extreme superstitions regarding the number 13 and they try to avoid the number 13. The condition is known as Triskaidekaphobia.

14. Aurophobia- Fear of gold

For most women, gold is everything from fashion to status symbol.  Gold is also considered as the contingency fund for emergency situations in Indian families.  While most people love gold, few people suffering Aurophobia fear and dislike the gold as for them it may represent wealth or death.

gold phobia strange weird unusual

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