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5 Foods That are Secretly Trying to Kill You

Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle can indeed be a challenge for many of us. Eating the proper foods in conjunction with getting plenty of exercises can help promote a better well being. However, have you thought about some of the foods you consume daily? What if some of these foods could put us on the fast track to a premature death? If you have the desire to live a long and flourishing life, consider casting aside these five foods.

Fried Foods – 

Numerous individuals would agree that fried foods taste amazing. But fantastic for your health? Not so much. Regularly eating fried foods has been linked to a myriad of health problems like obesity, high blood pressure, and even cancer. If you must have the fried food crunch, consider using an air fryer. An air fryer uses considerably less oil and still has the texture you’re craving.

Bagels – 

As the ultimate convenience food that can be piled on with butter or cream cheese, bagels are a breakfast food of choice for many. Be ready for a carbohydrate overload in your body when you eat one. One large bagel can be the equivalent of eating five slices of bread! A better choice would be to opt for a whole wheat bagel because ordinary bagels contain little to no fiber. This will leave you feeling lethargic the rest of the day.

Sugar – 

Foods That are Secretly Trying to Kill You

Some say sugar is the devil of the food world. Almost every study has concluded that added sugar in the diet has no health benefits. Sugar from foods such as milkshakes, donuts, candy, and soda can be one of the worst things you can eat. It can completely deteriorate the human body. Sugar poisons the liver in the same way that alcohol does, causing deadly liver disease. It also rots the teeth of adults and children; once teeth are decayed, they must either be recovered with root canals or replaced with implants or dentures. Check food labels and look for added sugar in the contents. Added sugar can be the silent, deadly killer.

Processed Meats – 

You love adding bacon or sausage to your breakfast plate every morning, but these processed meats could do extreme damage to the body like causing coronary heart disease. Try to be conscious of the sodium content and make don’t make eating these foods a daily habit. Aim for natural selections without the unnecessary extra preservatives.

Fast Foods – 

Foods That are Secretly Trying to Kill You

Unfortunately, most fast foods are the culprit for major health problems across the country. Frequently eating foods such as burgers, fries, and chicken nuggets from your local fast food chance will undoubtedly add inches to your waistline dramatically increase your chances for life-threatening health issues later on.

Before you take your next bite of food, consider the potential health effects. These foods may be slowly killing you from the inside out. Make it your goal every day to put your body’s health as your top priority, and eat foods that will facilitate that goal.

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1 comment

5 FOODS THAT ARE SECRETLY TRYING TO KILL YOU - Nutrition Theory June 18, 2018 at 1:02 am

[…] 5 Foods That are Secretly Trying to Kill You – Trendpickle Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle can indeed be a challenge for many of us. Eating the proper foods in conjunction with getting plenty of exercises can help promote a better well being. Have you thought about some of the foods you consume daily? Here is a list of foods that are secretly trying to kill you. […]


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