Are you suffering from increased weight? So, don’t have to worry. You can exercise at home without going to gym. Here are 15 Best Exercises for Weight Loss at Home. Let’s get started!
1. Forward lunge

How to Do:
- Stand upright and move one leg forward and bend slightly tilted.
- Go back again in standing position.
- Pause, do it again the same pattern with another leg.
2. Burpee

How to Do:
- Lie down on the feet and hands and move your legs forward and then jump on to the top.
- After leaping, lay down. The legs should plunge backward and come to the starting position.
- Go on repeating.
3. Explosive Lunge

How to Do:
- Hold the legs together, jump into the air by raising your hands.
- Step down slowly with one leg forward and bend just a little bit.
- Again jump into the air with feet together and then step down with another leg forward. Continue doing with both legs.
4. Squat

How to Do:
- Be in standing position. Legs should be a bit away. Then bend slightly downward.
- Balance the weight on your legs and return back to the position.
5. Mountain Climber

How to Do:
- Lie down on the feet and hands. Move the right leg forward near to the chest by keeping the left leg in rest.
- Take back the right leg, then immediately bring the left leg forward near to the chest.
- Both the legs should be forward one after another without delay.
6. High Knees

How to Do:
- Stand up straight, keep the hands forward near to the waist. Lift one leg into the air by jumping. Do alike with another leg.
- Go through the movement alternatively. While doing this, legs should touch the hands.
7. Plank jack

How to Do:
- Start in plank position with the hands and feet on the floor.
- By staying in plank position both the legs should be brought out and get back together inside by jumping.
- Continue jumping in and out.
8. Plank

How to Do:
- Get the forearms in plank position. Make certain elbows and feet must be on ground position.
- Ensure that your back, neck and shoulders should be flat and straight.
9. Knee push ups

How to Do:
- Stand on the hands. And knees must be on the floor and raise up your feet.
- Do push-ups with the help of hands. Be in the same position.
10. Knee tuck crunch

How to Do:
- Be seated on the ground and heave your legs slightly up.
- Ensure that hands must be back of your waist Then move the legs back near to the chest.
- By the movement of hands move ahead and get back.
11. Leg drops

How to Do:
- Lie down on the floor, keep the hands aside on the ground.
- Lift up your legs slowly then down to the ground softly.
12. Up and Down plank

How to Do:
- Stand in a high plank, with your hands and feet straight.
- Bend one arm to bring down the elbow and forearm to the floor.
- Perform with the other arm so you are in a perfect plank position.
13. Jumping jacks

How to Do:
- Stand up straight, with your legs together, hands at your sides.
- Bend your knees slightly, jump into the air. Stretch your hands at your head level and spread your legs aside.
- Jump back to the position.
14. Russian twist

How to Do:
- Be seated on the floor, uplift the legs with slight bend at your knees.
- Starting from the middle turn the hands at your sides alternatively.
15. Cross crunches

How to Do:
- Lie down on the floor on your back. Bend the knee and bring across to the elbow by keeping the further leg straight.
- Repeat it with the opposite leg and elbow.
Keep on doing each workout for 30-40 seconds and take rest for 5 seconds after completion every set of exercise. Also with these exercises, drink a glass of warm water with lemon and honey before starting your workout for the best results. You can easily lose your weight within 30 days.
” Stay strong stay happy “