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Test Clear of Drugs with These Tips!

There are many ways drugs can get into your system. You could be guilty of an occasional indulgence; someone may spike your drink, you may take a product without reading ingredients, among others. You may need to pass a drug test but are suspicious that drugs may show up in your urine sample.  

The one sure way of passing a drug test is not to use drugs at all.  There are ways you can remove medications from your system. You can also find great information at test clear review.

So What Steps Can You Take

1. Dilute Your Urine

If you decide on this method, make sure you are near a toilet at all times because you will pee a lot. You will need to drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water. Do note though; you have to be careful not to take on too much at once to avoid water poisoning. The people doing the tests are probably reading this article with you right now, and know you may try this. So, take some Vitamin B tablets to add some color back into your urine.  

2. Try Detox Drinks

The science behind detox drinks in removing drugs from your system is still not well understood, but hey, at this point who cares. All we care about is that it works. What you need to do is take the drink approximately 1-2 hours before the test. Incorporate two or more other ideas because it does not work for some people.

3. Diuretics May Do The Trick

If you have the luxury of time, you can let the drugs leave your system naturally. You will, of course, need to have an excellent understanding of the type of drug , and whether you are a light or heavy user. Some like Marijuana will take up to six weeks to clear completely.

4. Let It Clear From Your System Naturally

If you have the luxury of time, you can let the drugs leave your system naturally. You will, of course, need to have an excellent understanding of the type of drug , and whether you are a light or heavy user. Some like Marijuana will take up to six weeks to clear completely.

5. Control Techniques When Peeing

If you have not had the chance to apply any of the above, and the drug test day is here, you can try controlling how you pee. Do not get the first drops into the cup, let your urine flow for some time then catch the end stream amounts. You will have fewer metabolites at that stage.

But, before you go to the exam room, try and pee as much as possible. It may require that you load up on water at night so that you make as many trips as possible to the toilet.

Final Thoughts

It is possible to clear your body of drugs before a test. Try a combination of some of the tips we have shared with you above to increase the effectiveness of your drug test cheating attempts.


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