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How to Plan Your Finances for Post-Retirement Years?

Most people evaluate their finances quarterly and annually to see whether they are on the right path to achieve their financial goals or not. It helps them get to know where they are going wrong and what corrections need to be made to get back on the right track.

It’s a practice that everyone should follow in order to keep their financial health at optimal years after years, and eventually, achieve financial freedom for their retirement years.

Budgeting is the key to a happy retirement. It helps you eliminate or reduce unnecessary expenses and gives a good idea of the expenses that would stay or even increase with time.

Budgeting gives you the idea of the amount you would need post-retirement to maintain your lifestyle without financial constraints.

In this article, we will discuss some of the few retirement expenses that you need to consider while budgeting for your retirement.

Retirement expenses that can be reduced or eliminated 


Many people plan to pay off their mortgage before retirement. It’s good if it happens, but in an otherwise case, it may be a good idea to move somewhere cheaper to reduce the cost. If you stay in the same place and the mortgage is not paid off in full, it’s an expense that would remain unchanged.


Whether you own your own home or live on rent is also a crucial part of budgeting. Consider moving to a house with lower rent or sell off your large house to move to a smaller house to gather some capital. If you’re renting, it’s an expense that can be possibly reduced by moving to a property with lower rent.


Try to be debt-free before retirement, but if you’re not, taking drastic measures like liquidating some assets to pay off debts is not a bad idea.

It would save you from interests, which are generally higher than the returns your investments are making. It’s what the financial advisor Atlanta GA would suggest. 

Retirement Savings/Funds

Once you retire, you would not have to pay installments or add funds to your 401(k) or IRA fund, which is an expense that would be eliminated. It would aid in contributing to other necessary expenses. Mutual funds are a great way to invest your funds. Here are top mutual funds to invest in 2019.

Medical expenses

These are the expenses that can potentially go higher if you were in a low coverage employee plan so far. In this case, you might have to go for more expensive health insurance to cover your medical expenses and provide better coverage.

Retirement expenses that would usually remain the same


The costs related to groceries would remain the same or may increase slightly after retirement as most of the meals would be eaten at home, and you will attend more guests now.


Utility bills would more or less remain the same or increase slightly as you spend more time at home post-retirement. It includes the electricity bill, gas bill, water bill, and so on.


The insurance cost for home, automobile and renter’s insurance would remain the same post-retirement. There is not much scope here for savings in this department.

Property taxes

Including property taxes in your retirement budget is essential as it’s a considerably sized amount. One should also consider the fact that the tax to go up with time, adding to the retirement budget.

Retirement expenses that would drastically increase

Health insurance

The cost you have been paying for health insurance in the past decides what you would be paying in the future. It can drastically go up if you add to the coverage or change into more comprehensive health insurance.

Adding supplemental policies to the employer health insurance you were covered by in the past would also add to your health insurance cost.

Ancillary health expenses

There are many health care expenses like dental services, eye treatments, drug costs, and other such costs, which are not covered by many health insurance policies.

The money for such expenses goes from your pocket, which can disturb your budget. Financial advisor Atlanta GA advises people to plan for such costs well in advance.


Emergencies can strike anytime in life, and it can disturb your financial equilibrium drastically, especially when you’re retired. There is no source of income to supplement the additional financial burden, and thus, it’s advised to start an emergency fund at a young age itself.

It provides the financial buffer during such times and doesn’t spill water on your years of effort to become financially independent post-retirement.

There are numerous other factors that need to be considered when planning your retirement, especially when budgeting for it. It’s a complicated process where help from a professional financial advisor Atlanta GA can come in handy. Paying financial advisor Atlanta GA is a small price to pay for the huge returns in terms of meticulous financial planning it offers. 

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