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Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: 20 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera juice

Aloe vera is indeed a priceless gift from nature to mankind. It has been in use from 6000 years, dating back to the Egyptian civilization. It was termed as ‘the plant of immortality’ and ‘Wand of the heavens’ due to its multiple beneficial properties. It requires low maintenance and thrives in tropical climatic conditions, making it easy for harvesting.

Consumption of aloe vera juice, extracted from this succulent plant is extensively recommended in the medical industry. The health benefits of aloe vera juice are innumerable and some are listed below. 

1. Hydration

Aloe vera has a high water content of about 99% in it and is one of the best ways to treat dehydration. The human body causes various health implications when the water level reduces. Aloe vera juice ensures treating such implications and promotes the healthy functioning of the kidney and liver. About 20ml of aloe vera juice can be mixed with water and can be consumed early in the morning after a workout or on empty stomach. 

2. Tissue and bone regeneration

Aloe vera is rich in proteins and amino acids present in the human body that help in regenerating tissue and bones. About 20 amino acids are present in aloe vera required for the production and growth of muscle tissues. It can be consumed to relieve pain in bones and quickens the healing process.

3. Skin enhancement

Skin conditions such as psoriasis, sunburn, eczema can be treated by aloe vera juice intake. It maintains the pH level of the skin and reduces frequent skin diseases. Topical application of aloe vera on the skin can moisturize and reduce the effect of UV radiation. It can be incorporated in daily DIY face packs for long term benefits.

4. Liver functioning

Aloe vera contains phytonutrients that aid in the functioning of the liver. The liver stores impurities and harmful substances hence require cleansing. Aloe vera ensures that the liver is cleansed and is nourished. Drinking water with 2 teaspoons of aloe vera juice in it is advisable.

5. Blood sugar regulation

Aloe vera can breakdown the glucose level in food and hence lower the blood sugar level. Various studies have shown that aloe vera has improved diseases like prediabetes and diabetes type 2 by regulating sugar levels. The quantity of aloe juice to be consumed along with medication should be decided after proper consultation or a small amount of 1 tablespoon can be consumed.

6. Reducing cholesterol

Researchers observed that aloe vera reduces the harmful effect of cholesterol while taken regularly. The presence of nutrients, proteins, and a complex carbohydrate called acemannan collectively reduce cholesterol by 61%. Regular administration with water allows the body to manufacture the necessary amount of cholesterol alone and hence balances the cholesterol levels.

7. Detoxification

The toxicity in daily food items harms our bodies. It is essential to cleanse and facilitate the movement of these toxic substances out of the body then and there. The minerals and antioxidants present in aloe vera help in detoxification.

8. Beautification

Aloe vera is extensively used in the cosmetic industry as it has amazing effects on the skin. It can be used as a primer, makeup remover and moisturizer. It can be used to make scrubs and masks for dry skin, acne and sensitive skin with other natural ingredients like turmeric, honey, milk, etc.

9. Digestion

Aloe vera has the necessary enzymes like amylase and lipase that treat digestive issues such as ulcers. The anti-inflammatory property of aloe vera heals the lesions and internal stomach lining. Consuming regularly in the form of a gel, would facilitate proper bowel movement and cleanses the intestinal tract.

10. Weight loss

Aloe vera affects body metabolism and quickens the process of burning calories. It contains vitamin B and polysaccharides that convert the fat into energy. Drinking aloe vera every morning or adding it to smoothies can be an effective weight-loss technique.

11. Healthy hair

Haircare products also include this highly beneficial ingredient. 

People also use aloe vera juice as a DIY hair mask. It can be applied to itchy scalp, mixing it with drops of coconut/peppermint oil. It is a powerful product to treat dandruff and promotes hair growth. The cooling property of aloe vera also keeps the scalp cool.

12. Highly nutritious

Aloe vera is a powerhouse of nutrients. It contains vitamins A, B, B12 and E, along with calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, and zinc. The amino acids and the enzymes help in the proper functioning of the body organs. Therefore including aloe vera in daily life is never a loss.

13. Mild burns and abrasions

The moisturizing and the cooling property of aloe vera can heal mild burns, rashes and abrasions. It is a natural antibiotic and it can help in regenerating the skin and tissues rapidly. It also has a soothing effect that eases the pain or burning sensation.

14. Anemia

Anemia is a condition where the count of red blood cells (RBC) lowers. It is common to experience tiredness and headache when a person is anemic. Having Aloe vera before meals stimulate the production of RBC and reduces lethargy and headache.

15. Hormonal imbalance

The endocrine system in our body controls the release of hormones that facilitates various functions. The imbalance in hormones causes adverse effects on our health. Aloe vera is used to prepare products that cure hormonal imbalance. Orally consuming 30ml of aloe vera gel twice daily, can also help cure hormonal issues.

16. Immunity booster

The potential of aloe vera in curing diseases of high risk like HIV, cancer, etc is still being researched. Nevertheless, it can boost immunity and can provide the necessary body supplements. Vitamin B12 helps in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the nervous system.

17. Dentistry benefits

Aloe vera has been proved to be medicinal in the field of dentistry as well. The presence of vitamin C and calcium enhances the maintenance of teeth. Every cup of aloe vera has 9.1 gms of calcium. The antibacterial property of aloe vera juice can kill bacteria and yeast and hence can be used as a mouthwash.

18. Arthritis

Aloe vera is said to also treat in joint pain and dysfunction. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural treatment. Conditions like arthritis and rheumatism can utilize topical application or consumption of aloe vera to heal and regenerate joints. It is also available in the form of pills and powder in the market.

19. Kidney stones

The high amount of oxalate in urine results in the formation of kidney stones. Consuming aloe vera juice regularly proved the decrease of oxalate. The presence of citrate and tartrate in aloe vera is found effective for treating and preventing the formation of kidney stones in adults. 

20. Diarrhea and constipation

Aloe vera, a natural laxative can be used in curing constipation issues. The compound called anthraquinones in the plant is a laxative and should be consumed in minor quantities of about 100- 200ml.

Diarrhea and other stomach discomforts like acid reflux, bloating, etc can also be cured with the help of aloe vera. For diarrhea, the quantity of anthraquinones present should be less. Adding 1-2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice to everyday smoothie or juice can help in maintaining the digestive system.

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1 comment

Raghul Harish September 15, 2020 at 11:40 am

Quite astonished by seeing these many health benefits from aloe vera.


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