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F.R.I.E.N.D.S Quiz Trivia – Can you pass this friends quiz?

The Friends series stills feel fresh alive and funny, all the things that Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Joey had are just incredible. Don’t you think so? If you are a huge fan of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and you have binge-watched every season then this Friends trivia quiz you must get it right.

Are you ready? Check it out by taking this quiz and let us know your score in the comments.


#1. Besides the main six cast, who features the most in the F.R.I.E.N.D.S series ?

#2. Who hates Thanks-giving ?

#3. Which one of the Joey’s sister did Chandler fool around ?

#4. How many dollars did a soda company gives to Phoebe after she finds a dismembered thumb in a can of soda ?

#5. What is Chandler Bing’s Occupation ?

#6. What food item Rachel ‘does not’ put in her trifle the desert in Thanks-giving ?

#7. Phoebe picked Rachel to be her girlfriend over Monica because Phoebe said Monica is ______ ?

#8. What club did Ross and Will Colbert co-founded back in high school ?

#9. What are Rachel’s favourite flowers ?

#10. In which country does Pete takes out Monica on their first date ?

#11. What food does Phoebe craves during her pregnancy with the triplets ?

#12. What fake name did Joey give out to the people ?

#13. Who was Monica’s First kiss ?

#14. How many people did Phoebe date in the entire seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S ?

#15. Who was the Maid of Honors at Monica’s Wedding ?

#16. Which language did Phoebe attempts to teach Joey ?

#17. Who was the last friend to find out about Chandler and Monica’s Relationship ?

#18. What is the name of Ross and Rachel’s Daughter ?

#19. What was Ross FINE with ?

#20. What is the name of Phoebe’s pet rat ?

Share this Friends quiz among your friends & challenge them with this top friends quiz.

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Dana January 3, 2023 at 1:26 am

This quiz was fun! I got an 8 out of 20. I love watching Friends whenever it’s on, but it’s been a while!

Catia January 3, 2023 at 11:25 pm

So fun! I used to be such a huge friends fan but I got 7 wrong on this one!


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