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How Different Kinds Of Animations Can Benefit Your Business?

The animation isn’t just a part of the video game industry. This is a universal business tool that can clearly demonstrate in a few seconds what is difficult to describe in one article. Video is perceived better than text or static images. It is alive, it communicates with the audience and delivers information to them as if it were an ordinary interlocutor. Therefore, now 3D animation studios are not limited to the creation of one type of animation. After all, it can be used in such a wide range.

Of course, before using video content in your strategy, it is important to understand why it is needed at all. It should not just flatter the vanity of the business owner, it should respond to a specific customer request. After all, it is for them that business works.

How can different types of animation help your business? How to use the specifics of each of them to the maximum? Let’s not wait, let’s get it.

2D Animation: The Power of the Discworld

2D hand-drawn figures, characters and environments are the first things that come to mind when thinking about animation for business. Surely you often see videos like this, explaining the meaning of a business or describing some new feature.

2D animation is an excellent way to convey a message to a client. It remains the most common form of video content for businesses due to its versatility, flexibility and relatively low cost. It can be used to easily explain complex information or present multi-component infographics in a visual form.

3D Animation: Volumetric Sense To Impress

You may have heard of it as computer-generated imagery. This is a different level of communication with the client, because here you show your company and its features in a realistic way. Your animation can include characters, environments and objects that are indistinguishable from real ones. This kind of video takes much more time and effort. But it also looks more impressive. Therefore, it is usually chosen in order to show something fundamental and especially significant for the company.

A special advantage of 3D animation is the ability to seamlessly combine it with live action filming. By uniting them, you can achieve amazing results and leave your viewers speechless. Such work should be trusted only by qualified 3D animation studios that not only know how to work with it, but also have a special 3D animation services portfolio.

3D animation is more expensive than 2D options. Keep this in mind. But there is another positive point here. You won’t be able to use the hand-drawn material anywhere else. And 3D models created for animation are reusable. You can easily add them to your new videos.

Motion Design: Magic in Moving

Despite the fact that motion design is partly related to 2D animation, it is usually placed in a separate category. It’s all about its specifics. Motion design is an animated design for static 2D images. It also contains some text and audio. Together, they have a more powerful effect on the emotional perception of the viewer: the text attracts attention, and the sound and graphics are imprinted in the memory in a vivid way. The main purpose of motion graphics is to attract and capture attention while informing users about the product.

Motion graphics, unlike a cartoon, video or conventional animation, do not have a complete plot, but briefly expresses any idea or concept. To convert a static image into a dynamic one, various animation options, video and audio effects, and graphic design tools are used. Making such graphics is much easier and faster than classic 2D animation. Often this does not even require special knowledge and skills. There are many tools on the Internet that even a beginner can handle.


The animation world is beautiful and versatile. But you need to use its potential competently. After all, you do not want to waste solid budgets? When choosing 2D and 3D animation companies, pay attention to their game designer portfolio. There, in a separate section, there should be animation works that will help you form an idea of the team’s expertise. It will be easier for you to understand if their style and approach are right for you. And together you will be able to create animations that will resonate with your customers and help attract new ones.

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