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Water Tanks 101: How To Choose A Water Tank For Your Home

Saving water for a dry, sunny day is a clever idea. It is the first step in the rainwater harvesting process. If you’re adding new infrastructure to your property, whether it’s a shed, warehouse, barn, or other building, you must choose the best water supply and storage system for your new structure.

Tanks for water storage come in various sizes, shapes, colors, and materials. Certain people need a small tank for emergency use, while others require a large tank to meet household and irrigation needs. This article will help you understand some of the factors that must be considered when assessing a storage tank’s capability.

1. Proper Tank Size

Determine the total number of people you wish to assist with this backup water supply. The average person’s daily emergency water intake is approximately one gallon. It involves both drinking water and sanitation. Bear in mind that this calculation excludes unusual circumstances such as medical emergencies or scorching climates. In other words, each person would need a gallon of water per day, plus possibly a little more.

Consider the number of days the backup water storage system would need to work. Multiply the gallons per person by the number of days. For example, if you want your backup to last two weeks and supply water to three people, it should be 42 gallons. Always anticipate the inevitable, since unexpected situations are bound to happen. Forty-two gallons is precisely enough to last three people two weeks, but you’d like more, just in case.

2. Water Tank Location

The location of the water storage containers restricts your options. Additionally, it determines whether you need a base and whether any additional tank preparations are necessary.

  • Underground

Underground water storage tanks like the ones from online stores such as are a popular choice due to their location. You will not be required to give up a piece of land to install an above-ground tank. Additionally, you get to avoid an eyesore, allowing you to appreciate the scenery surrounding your home.

There is less to consider because they are not subject to sunlight or inclement weather. Owing to the soil around them, they can maintain a constant temperature. They can be placed under the permafrost layer in freezing areas and keep the tank’s contents from freezing. However, when an underground tank is selected, the project’s design and overall expense may be increased.

  • Collapsible tanks

Although most tanks you see are permanent structures, you may want to suggest collapsible tanks if you require temporary water storage. These are a type of above-ground water storage tank that comes in various sizes. They are easy to install, even by one user, and are an excellent option for rural areas. Pillow tanks are another choice for short-term storage, but they also work well for long-term storage. These are advantageous for transporting bulk liquids and even for oil spill recovery.

  • Above-ground

Above-ground water tanks are less labor-intensive and less expensive to build. Its maintenance has a range of benefits. Since it is above ground, it is easier to detect any damage and fix it without specialized equipment. An above-ground water tank’s primary downside is its exposure to the elements. As a result, it is more susceptible to damage caused by storms or accidents. The downside mainly revolves around the maintenance aspect. although damaged components are easily accessible, there are additional components to fix.

3. Tank Material

The most frequently used materials for water tanks are stainless steel and plastic. Tanks made of plastic are occasionally referred to as PE (polyethylene) tanks or poly tanks. Some individuals choose poly tanks because they are lightweight, rust-resistant, leak-proof, and dependable for water storage. Plastic tanks are more economical than stainless steel tanks. Second, poly tanks are compact, light, and easy to install, clean, and maintain. Also, most poly tanks are square or vertical in shape – either slim and tall or short and broad, making installation effortless.

Bear in mind that plastics will remain susceptible to stress cracking and thermal expansion over time. Stainless steel is another material that is often used for water tanks. Stainless steel is commonly used due to its corrosion resistance, resistance to heat, and toughness. Furthermore, it is simple to clean and maintain. Water tanks constructed of high-quality stainless steel can help purify water and ensure the security of your home’s water supply.

4. Tank Colors

If you’re using polyethylene or polypropylene tanks, be sure to get a dark color, such as black or dark green. Algae and bacteria can begin to grow if the solution allows sunlight to come in, and using dark colors is the key to keeping it out to prevent further development. These water impurities are rarely harmful, but they impact the color and taste of the water.

There may also be other color specifications to verify, especially if the structure in question is in an area where the building codes prohibit the use of specific colors. You may want to think about your preferences in addition to these two basic things.

5. Rules and Regulations

Your area will probably have rules and regulations regarding who can water and when and where they can water, so contact or ask your local authority and water company in your area. It is common for councils to require the submission of a development and building plan. Rules which may include whether the tank should be placed on a surface, tank color, size, and noise also apply to using a pump.


If you’re buying something online, read the feedback and return/exchange policies thoroughly. Communicate with the seller before placing your order and settle any pending issues. If you’re planning to employ a private plumber to install the water tank, make sure the plumber is familiar with the procedure. Numerous water tanks are damaged or leak due to sloppy plumbing and construction work. Finally, meet with the seller before purchasing to address any concerns or doubts you might have. Hopefully, the factors listed above have given you enough information to guide you in choosing your new water tank.

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