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How to Pick the Right Fitness Instructor?

You are embarking on a fitness journey and realise you cannot do it on your own. Your local gym does not have the resources to give you a dedicated instructor. You, therefore, opt to get a personal one but do not know what to look for. Do not worry; we will simplify the process for you by sharing tips on how to pick the right fitness instructor. Y

Asking For References Is  A Great Idea

Fitness Instructor

Only work with an instructor who is open about his/her client list. He should be comfortable enough to allow you to call them up if you need to. If he seems sketchy or insists that he cannot share confidential information, you may need to look for another one.

You do not have to become a super sleuth to get reference information. But it would also not hurt to visit where he works, and talk to other clients and hear what they say.

Engage With The Instructor

Fitness Instructor

The fitness instructor will be walking the fitness journey with you, and you need to be on the same page. If he does not seem to have an interest in your well being, and only seems to be interested in money, take a step back. It is also essential that you like the person a little bit.

We are not saying that you become chummy chummy, after all, what you have is a business relationship, but there has to be a likeability factor. Here are different types of squats to get a lean sculpted body.

What Will It Cost You?

Fitness Instructor

Charges will depend on experience, level of education, location, whether you go to him or he comes to you, the goals you have set, among others. Make sure you get value for your money. However, do not over negotiate because the instructor may take the job, but only give you what he feels you have paid for.


Fitness Instructor

Do not compromise on this aspect. Certification shows the trainer has the relevant knowledge. Getting a certificate requires that the trainer undertakes examinations set by bodies which set standards of professionalism.

Insurance Cover

Fitness Instructor

Decide if liability cover is a deal breaker for you. Some instructors will carry professional liability cover, but it may cost a little bit more. Put everything in writing to avoid any confusion.

Level Of Experience

Fitness Instructor

While we are in no way saying that a new instructor cannot perform well, nothing beats experience. Look for someone who knows the right things to do, because they have done it several times before.

How Is His Calendar?

The more popular a trainer is, the less he will be available due to a heavy schedule. Make sure that he can give you a consistent workout time, and does not randomly fit you in when he can. He should also be clear about his cancellation policy, and how he makes up for the lost time.

Final Thoughts

Fitness Instructor

Finding the right instructor is essential if you hope to achieve your workout goals. Take note of the things you need to look out for above when choosing the right person to help you with your fitness journey.

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