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7 Life lesson we can Learn from Manmohan Singh

Manmohan Singh served as the Prime Minister of our country from 2004 to 2013. He also served as the Finance Minister under PV Narasimha Rao regime and save the nation from the economic crisis in the year 1991-92. He advised Rao to use the gold reserves of India as collateral to Swiss bank and Bank of England to save the country from emerging economic crisis.  Even though Singh faced a lot of opposition due to his selection as the Finance Minister by Rao, he carried out several structural reforms in the next few years to liberalise the Indian economy. His out of the box thinking and capabilities to act instantly made him a great economist and he gained a lot of reputation internationally. He was awarded as the Finance Minister of the year in 1993 by Asia Money and Euro Money.

Manmohan Singh education takes place at several different places and he is considered as one of India’s best students. He always appeared at first position in his exams.

Another soul touching incident about Manmohan Singh education is that he walked for miles every day to reach his school in Gah (now in Pakistan). He studies in poor light of kerosene lamp in the night. His poor eyesight is the result of hours of reading in that dim light.

Manmohan Singh education was completed from designated universities like Oxford and Cambridge. He is the only Sikh to serve as the Prime Minister of the nation. After Jawaharlal Nehru, Singh is the only PM to return to power after completing a full five-year term.

Let’s take a look at some things we can learn from Manmohan Singh

1. Staying Calm:

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The best thing to learn from Manmohan Singh is his tranquillity. Despite of chaos and uncertainties, he remains calm and composed. Even though he is mocked for his silence even by members of his own party, he was responsible to keep Congress from falling apart for 10 years.

2. Accepting different roles:

Manmohan Singh started his career in bureaucracy as the advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Trade. From 1972 to 1985, he was designated on several key positions in Indian Government which include Chief Economic Advisor, Reserve Bank governor and Planning Commission head.

3. Staying modest:

Where all other politicians and leaders are busy in promoting themselves like stuttering peacocks, Manmohan Singh emerges as a person with utter modesty. He remained humble even after his high set of qualifications and achievements.

4. Knowledge:

Dr. Singh is a well-recognised economist throughout the world. PV Narasimha Rao handpicked him to avert the economic crisis while making him the Finance Minister of the nation in 1991. Singh and his team are responsible for implementation of liberalization that changed our nation’s economy.

5. Ability to face Criticism:

During his Ministry, Manmohan Singh has faced a lot of criticism and mocked at several instance for his silence and inaction. Yet his ability to face criticism and perform unbiased as usual is commendable.

6. Patience:

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One of the best quality of Manmohan Singh is his patience in turbulent times. He handled the opposition very well and kept the integrity of his own party intact.

7. Education

Manmohan Singh education started from a small school in village Gah. He belongs from a simple family which can’t afford education in esteemed colleges. He worked his way through scholarships to prestigious universities like Harvard and Cambridge to complete his higher education.

These are few things to learn from our Ex-Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who managed to serve as a successful leader despite of criticism and shortcomings he faced in his life.

Did you learnt any other lesson from Manmohan Singh, let us know in the comments section!

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1 comment

What are Manmohan Singh’s educational qualifications? - Engineers Adda May 28, 2019 at 5:02 pm

[…] Dr Manmohan Singh is recognised as one of the finest economists throughout the world. His strategic planning and deep knowledge of financial perspectives saved the nation during the economic downfall of 1991. It was under his administration only when India managed to remain unaffected during the global financial crisis of 2008 when the world economy collapsed. These two facts signify the importance of education for the leaders of our country. The last five years rule of a poorly educated Prime Minister Narendra Modi had led the nation towards a severe economic crisis in the times when other economies of the world are nurturing. These facts may come hash to BJP supporters but in fact is a reality as the shear is stupid moves of modi has severed the economic infrastructure of the nation. Demonetisation and idiotic execution of GST bill is the biggest example of the failure of modi government. On the contrary, under the administration of Dr Manmohan Singh, India became the second largest growing economy of the world.   Dr Manmohan Singh educational background is comprised of a number of honours and degrees granted by different Indian and international universities. He was born in 1932 in a small village Gah situated in Punjab ( now in Pakistan). There was no school in his village so he walked for miles to reach school. He continued this for a duration of 12 years to complete his school education. After the partition of the nation in 1947, Manmohan Singh shifted with his family to Amritsar as his paternal village become the part of Pakistan. He went to Punjab University which was in Hoshiarpur to study economics. He received his bachelor speaking in 1952 had completed his master in 1954. In his entire academic career, he remained a topper. After that, he moved forward to pursue his Economics Tripos from the University of Cambridge which he completed in 1957 from the St John’s College. Dr Manmohan Singh educational journey did not and here. He returned to India after completing his academic tenure at Oxford and started teaching at Punjab University. A majority of people would have settled down after gaining search educational achievements but Singh was not one of them. He is started his journey to word D. Phil in 1960 from the University of Oxford. Which time, he was a member of Nuffield College. He presented his doctoral thesis under the supervision of I.M.D. Little in 1962. The thesis title was  “India’s export performance, 1951–1960, export prospects and policy implications”. This kisses later become the foundation of his most anticipated book which goes by the title of “India’s Export Trends and Prospects for Self-Sustained Growth”. There are lot of life lesson we  can learn from Manmohan Singh. […]


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