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15 Books Bill Gates thinks everyone should read!

“The World belongs to those who read”
Books aren’t something that is made of pages and words. They’re made of hopes, dreams and possibilities. When you start reading, the outside world becomes invisible. You dive into a world where you carry the emotions of the characters from the book. Books make you forget your fears and imperfections and let’s you connect and comprehend. There could be no friend as loyal as a book. So here is the list of 15 books that Bill Gates thinks everyone should read.

1) Life is what you make it – Peter Buffett.

The book is authored by Peter Buffett, son of Warren and Susan Buffett. This book is the reflection of his journey and the values that he learned while growing up. Peter, being the son of World’s third richest man, will not inherit any of his father’s wealth. Instead, the real inheritance his parents handed over to him is the philosophy: Forge your own path in life. “Life is what you make it” is all about living your life to the fullest and following your heart.

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2) Where Good Ideas come from – Steve Johnson.

Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation written by Steve Johnson is a worthwhile book for people in business and education. This Johnson’s book is all about innovation and gives us a quality of examples to create environments that can encourage good ideas. Not always our ideas results in Eureka moment. Instead, we need to change the way of our thinking.

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3) Moonwalking with Einstein – Joshua Foer.

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by [Joshua Foer]

If you are looking for something to improve your memory, then Moonwalking with Einstein : The art and science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer is what you are looking for. This book will be a great tool for you to remember more and train your mind to do incredible things that the average person simply isn’t able to.

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4) Tap Dancing to work – Carol Loomis.

Tap Dancing to work by Carol Loomis is a compilation of 40 plus years of Warren Buffett from young investor to most successful investor. Carol Loomis, a long time friend of Warren, gives us a glimpse of everything about Warren not just business. This book is a highly recommended for people to stay strong in business.

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5) Making the Modern World – Vaclav Smil.

Making the Modern World: Materials and Dematerialization, authored by Vaclav Smil gives us fascinating facts about how our civilization is shifting. It also helps us to gain knowledge about the materials that make our life possible. The author explains to us where we are now and where we are heading to. Smil is someone who never gives simple answers to complex questions. After reading this book, he makes us think about the materials we use day to day.

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6) The Sixth Extinction – Elizabeth Kolbert.

Climate change is a big problem. But we have no idea how it affects the animals. The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth gives us warning that our future generations will just see animals like lion, tiger and elephants through internet and animation movies. The problem is we are moving ahead without acknowledging the impending danger. Bill Gates recommends this book because it’s time for us to realise and do the needful.

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7) The Man who Fed the World – Leon Hesser.

This book is highly recommended by Bill Gates because not many have heard of the name Borlaug. Norman Borlaug, a remarkable scientist and humanitarian who is credited for saving the lives of a hundred million people from starvation. This Nobel Peace Prize winner started realizing that the increase in population will increase the need of food. So he worked out to solve the food problem for the entire planet. Norman Borlaug was a one of a kind, and his place in the field of agriculture will always be irreplaceable.

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8) The Rosie Project: A Novel – Graeme Simsion.

This book by Graeme is a bit different from the others in the list by the fact that this a light romance novel. The Rosie Project is about a genetics professor who goes in search of this future wife with certain characteristics but all of a sudden he ends up meeting the woman, Rosie, who is totally different from what he expected. It is a hilarious novel and is highly recommended for someone who is searching for true love. Graeme makes us laugh, makes us cry and makes us think.

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9) The Great Gatsby – F.Scott Fitzgerald.

The Great Gatsby is another romance novel in the list suggested by Bill Gates. This book is Gate’s favorite as he compares Gatsby and Daisy’s story with Melinda and his. The Great Gatsby is all about the life of Jay Gatsby and his undying love for Daisy. Bill Gates favourite quote from the book is, “His dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it.”

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10) Business Adventure: 12 classic Tales from the World of Wall Street – John Brooks.

According to Bill Gates, Business Adventure by John Brooks remains as the best Business book even after four decades after its release. The book reveals us how money is cyclical in nature and how some things tend to happen again and again. Brook’s work is much about the strengths and weaknesses of leaders in facing challenging circumstances.

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11) How to Lie with Statistics – Darrell Huff

This book is a great introduction to statistics and a great refresher for someone who is well versed in it. This book is clear, concise and not too complex to get through it. It also provides valuable insight of how probabilities work.

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12) Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind – Yuval Noah Harari.

Harari took a complex challenge to tell the entire history of human race in mere 400 pages. Guess what??? He succeeded in it, and no one could have done it better than him. It is one of the must-read books. This book takes you a journey of 70,000 years, and the journey is no less than magical.

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13) Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell.

What makes high achievers different? The answer to this question is in the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. This book reveals the secrets of billionaires and what it takes to be a great soccer player. The book is a brilliant and intelligent work by Malcolm.

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14) The Box – Marc Levinson.

The Box authored by former economist Marc Levinson talks about the invention of a shipping container. Despite being an incredible invention, it needed huge sums of money because it is impossible to ship things for cheap value. It is not just about globalization, but it also has an interesting story.

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15) How not to be Wrong – Jordan Ellenberg.

Can Math be fascinating??? If you think no, then you should definitely come across this book of Jordan. This book is ultimately a love letter to Math from Jordan. Jordan in his book makes us believe that Math be fascinating.

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