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Interesting Facts

20 Amazing facts about dreams that will change your perception!

11. Animals probably dream (well, it is hard to say for sure but researchers believe they dream). Have you ever observed a dog twitching their paws as if they are running in their dreams?

12.While our dreams are mostly personalized based on our lives and experiences. There are a few common dreams which people see across the globe. Most common dreams are being chased, falling, being attacked, feeling unable to move, arriving late, flying, writing exams and unpreparedness etc.

13. Negative emotions are the most common in our dreams. We experience many emotions like joy, happiness, and fear in our dreams. In general fear, anxiety and other negative emotions are most common in the dream than positive emotions.

14. Men and women dream differently. Men’s dreams are more likely related to violent and aggressive content and physical activities. On a surprising note, Men dream more about other men, about 70% of the dream characters in a man’s dream are men. On the other hand, women dreams are equally about women and men.

15. You can’t read in your dream dreaming or tell the time. The majority of people have reported that they are not able to read in their dream. The same happens for telling the time, every time you look at the clock, it tells different time as reported by lucid dreamers.

16. Many inventions have been inspired by dreams. The idea of ranking web pages based upon their inbound links came into the dream of Larry Page and then he founded Google and made himself CEO.

17. Although most dreams occur only once, many people have experienced recurring dreams where the story of the dream is the same. Certain studies have found that if you are snoring, you are not dreaming at that point.

18. Our dreams are very symbolic.  If you dream about a particular subject, it doesn’t always mean that the dream is about that subject. There may be some deep symbolic meaning behind it. We sometimes have very strange dreams – some scary, some troublesome and the rest absolutely magical. There’s nothing strange about these dreams because the symbols picked up in your dreams are hinting towards something.

19. Dream incorporation is the phenomenon when External stimuli tend to invade our dreams.  Our brain interprets external stimuli that stimulate our senses and they become part of our dream. For example, Sometimes we hear a sound in reality and then incorporate it into our dreams and that sound becomes part of our dreams.

20. People from all over the world have experienced at least 1 precognitive dream and many have experienced déjà vu.  In a precognitive dream, you can see future events and gather information about them. déjà vu is the feeling that the event currently happening has already been experienced by you. Many people believe that it’s possible to have a precognitive dream.

Tell us about your dreams which you still remember in the comments section.

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Amy K July 15, 2018 at 7:16 pm

Very interesting information! My grandfather said anytime you remember a number from a dream you should play it in the lottery. I did once and won $400!

Vaibhav July 15, 2018 at 8:57 pm

Great, Now I am waiting for a number in my dream.

Sundeep July 15, 2018 at 11:13 pm

the blog is very interesting. It kind of took me to this movie called Inception where a lot is happening in a dream inside a dream and inside a dream.

Vaibhav July 15, 2018 at 11:35 pm

Thanks Sudeep. Inception was really a good movie about dreams.

Greer July 16, 2018 at 2:54 am

Wow! I learn something new everyday and I love learning new things about dreams

Vaibhav July 16, 2018 at 5:10 am

Thanks, Please subscribe to our newsletter for more informative articles.

Novel Blondes July 16, 2018 at 4:05 am

Fascinating! I would love to remember more dreams and experience more precognitive ones that I can recall! How helpful would that be!

Vaibhav July 16, 2018 at 5:11 am

That will be fun.


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