I know how complicated and scary it can be when you have to write an essay. In fact, it’s probably an assignment the majority of students dread! Well, to make it easier and motivate you to write, you can break your essay-writing process down into small steps that don’t look as terrifying.
So whether it’s for a contest, a class, a scholarship, or just for practice, read on as I show you how to write a perfect essay.
While you can check EvolutionWriters com reviews and consider getting professional help with your essay, it’s still best to learn how to write it yourself. After all, writing is an amazing skill to have as a student and an employee! With that said, follow these tips to whip up a great essay your teachers will love.
1. Select a Topic and Prepare an Outline

Some already have topics assigned while others have the freedom to choose. When the topic is given to you, think about how you want to approach it, whether it’s a specific analysis or general overview, narrowing your focus as needed.
If you have the freedom to choose, make sure that you select a topic that’s relevant and interesting to you. Figure out the purpose of your essay – do you want to inform or persuade your reader? Afterward, research on topics you like and narrow them down to fit the required framework. Re-evaluate your options to see what works the best for you.
Once you have the topic sorted out, brainstorm your ideas and organize them by themes to see connections between them for better organization. By adding details you will build up an outline which will serve you as a roadmap to make the writing process easier.
2. Develop Your Thesis Statement and Write the Body

The purpose of a thesis statement is to let your readers know what the focal point of your essay is. As a rule, a thesis statement is made up of two parts, with the first part of your statement presenting your topic and the second one stating your specific point. To put it simply, it’s the main question your essay must answer.
After that, you can start writing the body of your essay. This is the biggest part that explains your point of view and supports it with arguments, quotes, and other relevant data. Each main idea from your outline will make a separate section in your essay’s body. Smaller points within the bigger topic will make individual paragraphs. Keep a structure for every paragraph similar, stating the main idea in the first sentence and then supporting it with arguments.
3. Write Your Conclusion and Then the Introduction

When your essay has taken its overall shape, it’s time to write the conclusion. It should close up your argument, summing up all your main ideas. Encapsulate your final thoughts on the topic in three to five sentences, reviewing and reinforcing your main points from the thesis statement.
Only now it’s time for the introduction. This part would attract your reader’s attention and present the focus on the essay. Grab readers’ attention using a dialogue, a quote, a piece of surprising data, or a relevant story. Make sure it ties with your conclusion!
4. Add the Finishing Touches and Edit as Needed

When you’ve finished your conclusion, it isn’t over yet! You still need to give attention to all the small details before submitting your work for evaluation.
Review your entire essay and check if the paragraphs order makes sense, with strongest points being the first and supporting statements following. The order should be logical, clear, and not confusing for your reader.
Then revise the prompt and guidelines, tweaking the essay according to the criteria and requirements. Double-check to make sure you’ve included everything that was required and didn’t exceed the word limit! Edit any grammatical errors and if it’s possible, ask someone to review your text for constructive criticism as well.
And that’s how you write a perfect essay, so go ahead and write a stellar one to make me proud! If you have any questions or want to share your own tips on writing impressive essays, comment below. Your thoughts and suggestions will help your fellow students!