Are you glancing for information about China? Then you’ve come to the perfect place! We have assorted some of the most Intriguing and astonishing facts about China. Discover some fascinating knowledge about China while relishing a spectrum of fun evidence and trivia.
Here are some 15 amazing facts about China that will leave you awestruck and flabbergasted.
1. There is a Rehab for Internet Addicted People.
In 2008, China evolved as one of the prime countries to announce Internet obsession as an official medical ailment. Specialists broadcasted a summary that interpreted the condition. It asserted people with Internet Addiction. An internet addiction rehab facility that has been referred to as a military boot camp. Regardless, this boot camp work wonders, with a 73% success ratio for patients.
The centers treat the country’s young addicts for their addiction to the Internet and video gaming. Gaming emerges to be vastly addictive Internet behavior.
China has over 20 million Internet addicts. The condition has led to the creation of over 250 camps within China.

2. There is a One-child Policy in China.
China has the world’s largest folk at 1.4 billion population, initiated the protocol in 1979 as a transient gauge to deter a surging population and can limit the pressures for water and other resources.
In 2007, 36% of China’s population was accountable to this agreement, with only 53% authorized to have the second child if it was a girl.

3. China has only one Time Zone.
In 1912, the year after the spill of the Qing Dynasty, the recently entrusted The Republic of China established five varied time zones in the country, varying from five and a half to eight and a half hours past Greenwich Mean Time.
But in 1949, as the Communist Party strengthened supervision of the nation, Chairman Mao Zedong sanctioned that all of China would henceforth be on Beijing time for the intent of national harmony.

4. The GREAT WALL OF CHINA is building from a mixture of sticky rice.
The Great Wall of China renews to flabbergast and astonish travelers with its archaic defensive architecture.
In one of the considerable technical inventions of the Ming dynasty, workers formulated sticky rice cannon. The mixture made it the world’s first example of composite mortar, including an organic and inorganic material.
The scientists varied the disposition of mortar made is building without sticky rice, and establish that “sticky rice-lime mortar has more durable physical properties, has greater mechanical depository, and is better consistent, and a suitable restoration mortar for ancient masonry.

Buildings designed with sticky rice mortar have resisted natural disasters such as earthquakes. These edifices substantiate that sticky rice mortar is robust and persists towering than pure lime ordnance.
5. There is a dwarf theme park in China comprehended as the Kingdom of the Little People.
The Kingdom of the Little People is a theme park near Kunming in China. The Kingdom of the Little People stands impeached of offending its workers, of whom the Yunnan theme park has provided an income and independence that were denied elsewhere to them.
Visitors can gaze in marvel and amusement as dwarves swathed in tutus, butterfly wings and costumes from imperial China execute a sequel of slapstick rituals on an open-air stage.
In China, each year is characterized by one of the 12 animals.
Chinese New Year is invariably a massive occasion with the annual festivities bringing the. alleys, alive, colorful ceremonies and symphony. The Chinese Zodiac, Comprehended as Sheng Xiao, is based on a twelve-year cycle, every year in that rotation is associated with an animal sign.
These signs in order are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. It is enumerated in accordance with the Chinese lunar calendar.
There has been a relationship between the human and the 12 zodiacal animals. It is believed that the years embodied by the animals implicate the identities of people in the same way as the western astrology.
2020 is the Year of the Rat according to Chinese zodiac.

6. Red is an auspicious as well as a popular color in Chinese culture.
Colors are significant to Chinese culture as they are enriched with fortunate connotations. Red embodies fire and is the vastly prominent color in China. It is furthermore the national color exemplifying prosperity, elegance, vigor, good fortune and contentment.
The red color is also donned by the brides since it is reckoned to be an auspicious color thwarting evil.
Red envelopes are loaded with fortune and bestowed as blessings during the Chinese New Year.

7. Kites were formulated in China.
Kites were formulated in the early Warring States Period (475 – 221 B.C.) by Mozi and Lu Ban, two scholars The kites were deluxe to China for several years before the insight of how to concoct. In the Song Dynasty people piled fire powder on the kite to assault the rivals by clasping a chunk of igniting incense on the fuse and drifting it into the sky above the opponent center, where it flared and resulted in turmoil.
According to these records, the kite was originally made for military use.
A Chinese kite in historical eternities would have wielded simple substances such as wood and cloth. They were often compelled to correspond to tcentrehouettes of birds.
From the Tang Dynasty kites swiveled into a way of toy for leisure for the prosperous and after the Northern Song Dynasty paper kites evolved prominent among the common culture.

8. Lotus flower has significant importance in China.
The Lotus flower exemplifies the sixth month of the year in Chinese symbolisms and therefore is also symbolic for the summer. The lotus is of the utmost prestige in Chinese culture for myriad intentions, encompassing religious, marriage, and food customs.
The Chinese lotus flower, furthermore occasionally summoned as the sacred lotus, and is scientifically known as Nelumbo nucifera.
The flower surges from the soot and blossoms in magnificent beauty it exemplifies embodiment and virtue of both the soul and sense. It also embodies long life and gratitude. The lotus flower is portrayed in Chinese art, ballad, and architecture.

9. Books are Sold by Weight.
The key to exchanging a publication in the west is its title or editor. A slim traditional novel or a mega-blockbuster by a prominent columnist will go for far more than an enormous book by a total enigma. Not so in China. Go shopping for books on the streets of Shanghai, and you’ll find yourself spending not according to how promising or well-known a book is, but according to how extensively it reflects.

10. These eggs simmered in the urine of youthful virgin boys are contemplated a delicacy in distinct regions of China.
Vendors amass buckets of boy’s urine from regional schools and residences in proclamation to create the extraordinary broth.
The eggs are drenched in the urine and then feverish over a stove. Then they are taken out of the crusts and put back in the urine to steam.
It seizes an entire day to prepare a bunch, and one egg sells for 23 cents, twice the rate of a normal boiled egg.
In the Eastern Chinese city of Dongyang, they consume “virgin boy eggs” hard-boiled eggs marinated and steamed in the urine.

11. While training young soldiers to a tiny, sharp pin near their collars.
Administrators of the People Paramilitary Police formulating for the Olympics are plugged on the procession ground with pins in their collars and crosses on their backs to assure accurate stance.

12. Police in rural parts of China’s Xinjiang Province is using geese as watchdogs.
Birds of a feather combat violation concurrently. Administrators in unsophisticated parts of China’s Xinjiang region are wielding tamed geese to support law enforcement. Apparently, the geese are competently significant than dogs for multiple reasons. They’re hostile, have outstanding eyesight, and, as anyone who has had to deal with them knows, they’re boisterous and nothing can hook them.

Among all poultry, geese are incredibly watchful and have an impressive hearing.
13. 35 million Chinese people yet live in caves.
More than 35 million Chinese people dwell in burrows, many of them in the Shaanxi region where the Loess plateau, with its unique mountains of yellow, porous soil, creates excavating simple and cave-dwelling a sensible option.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, lived for seven years in a cave when he was deported to Shaanxi province during the Cultural Revolution.
14. Everyone is required to watch the same channel at 7 PM.
CCTV Network News” or “CCTV Tonight”, goes on air every day at 7:00 pm Beijing time. All provincial stations are compelled to carry CCTV’s news report. An innermost CCTV poll indicates that nearly 500 million population countrywide regularly watch this program. In China, it’s obliged that EVERY TV channel publishes a live 30-minute long news program.CCTV produces its own news summaries three times a day and is the province’s most influential and plentiful TV program founder.#

15. Chinese new year lasts for 15 days!
Chinese New Year is also comprehended as the Spring Festival.
The Spring Festival is technically for 15 days. But festivities commence on New Year’s Eve (making it as for 16 days).
The Spring Festival was initially a ceremonious day to pray to gods for a fortunate planting and yield season.