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5 Top Trends In Academic Writing – How to Make Your Paper Stellar

It was proved over time that remaining in the same place for a long time makes you dormant. Perfection becomes elusive when you fail to continue to learn and practice.

Owing to the fact that academic writing has not experienced any change in recent times, it is believed that students and professionals have remained stagnant in various fields. This is because, unlike creative writing that allows informal writing method and creativity, the format for academic writing is very formal and gives no room for creativity.

Academic writing is all about conveying information in a particular way with little or no creativity. In recent times, 2018 to be precise, academic writing format began to experience some changes and modifications.

In this informative post, we are outlining the changes that have occurred in the manner in which academic presentations are done in modern times. Students and professors have all seen the need to present less rigid and more fluid academic writings to the benefits of all parties involved.

This change affects the format of academic writing too. This post outlines some of the common changes which academic writing is expected to undergo.

1. Strictly Formal Is Old School:

We mentioned earlier that academic writing since its inception does not give room for informal techniques. It has always been strictly formal writing of everything academic writing.

In the light of that, it may come as a surprise to you to know that in recent times and in the coming years, academic writings will begin to adopt an informal tone to it.

A recent study by Ken Hyland, Head of the Centre for Applied English Studies and Chair of Applied Linguistics, at the University of Hong Kong, he is of the view that ‘Informality is expected to be one of the principal trends in academic writing of this year’.

The crucial questions right now are to what extent will informal writing be allowed? The outcome of the study shows that the extent of informality depends on context. So far, just a small segment of academic materials have adopted the informal tone and also less complex tones are being introduced.

Also, in recent times, there is a noticeable evolution in the English language and most English users have adopted simple English context in trend with the evolution. This is because it is generally easier to understand and conceptualize these simple English terms than the complex ones.

On the other hand, people that cherish classic literature may not see things in this light. They will think that the language is been bastardized but they don’t necessarily have to view it from that perspective.

For a language to continue to exist and remain relevant, it must evolve and undergo some changes that include adopting new forms and styles.

For instance, the use of slangs doesn’t necessarily mean bad use of a language. It could be just a short form of pronunciation. If informal tone makes it easier for people to communicate in the language, then it can be adopted for easier communication.

Also, professors now see the need for academic writings to have lesser formal tones, thereby enhancing the ease by which students carry out research. Many academic publications are rarely used by students due to the complexity of the languages.

Thus, a lot of students struggle to understand various theories not because they cannot read but due to the difficult nature of the structures in which these publications are presented.

Professors now embrace to use of slightly informal tones for the explanation of ambiguous theories to aid comprehension.

2. Reduced Rate of Errors Using Digital Writing:

With a plethora of software for checking writing errors on and off the internet, the era of error-free content is about to start off.

From 2020 onwards, there will be a trend of minimal error in academic writing. Experts predict that the volume of content on the internet will be on the increase from 2020 onwards.

A major part of the voluminous content will be error-free academic writing which will make up the majority of quality content on the internet.

You can take advantage of these changes to always write error-free papers and make them stellar. They are various paid and free writing software that can seamlessly polish your writing and make your paper star.

3. Increase in Demand for Quality:

If you understood the previous point, you will know that there will be an all-time high demand for error-free content.

The new trend will be on error-free content from 2020 and onwards. As a result of backbreaking competition in the field, scholars and professionals will go all the way to produce error-free high-quality papers.

Since contents are generally moving to high quality, error-free content, students and professionals need to produce high-quality content in order to survive the competition.

Never settle for a poorly written paper if you are going to outsource your writings.

Ensure to always address the best and reliable writing services for ordering custom essays from highly qualified academic writers.

4. Improved Use of Deductive Reasoning:

Academic writing from the onset depends on in-depth analysis. That is, academic writers tend to break down ideas to understandable bits.

The aim is to increase a better understanding of a concept. The use of deductive reasoning and writing from a third person perspective are used by academic writers to explain a subject matter better.

As a result of the increase in high-quality content by professionals on the internet, academic writers need to adopt the use of deductive reasoning.

5. Use of Formatting Aids:

Are you tired of missing out on the right format style for your papers? You don’t have to worry about poor formatting as they are writing software and providers that can handle that for you.

You can take advantage of these changes to make the best of all your writing assignments today.

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Johan Rock December 4, 2019 at 12:23 pm

Thanks for sharing a nice content about Academic essay writing. It is helpful for our students.

Cole Byrne January 13, 2022 at 12:47 am

Thanks for sharing this! All the best!


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