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21 Natural ways to boost Immune System!

12. Take out time to meditate:


Another way to reduce stress and attain physiological, psychological and spiritual health is meditation. Take out time from your routine to sit and say “om”, the word is known to have many detoxification effect that can boost up the immunity.

13. Taste turmeric:

The yellow-orange turmeric powder not only enriches flavour, colour and taste of the curries but also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in fighting diseases. Besides this it is particularly helpful in preventing fatal diseases like cancer, slowing Alzheimer’s  and soothing arthritis pain.

14. Rope for relaxing bath:

A nice hot water bath taken with aromatherapy scents, Epsom salt or herbal oils are known to reduce stress and insomnia, therefore, adding to immunity system.

15. Have herbal supplements:


Close-up of white and yellow pills on red background Free Photo

Scientists are yet working to find out the effectiveness of traditional use of herbs as immunity boosters; though reason is unclear but empirical data shows that there is some link between the herbs and upliftment of immunity system. A soothing herbal tea might just help relaxing the body and reducing stress. Though it has indirect link yet it can boost up immunity owing to the chain reaction.

16. Consuming probiotics:

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Probiotics also known as good bacteria along with improving digestive system also powers the immunity. A study on athletes found that probiotics supplements help in preventing and fighting cold. If not supplements one can also consume it from natural sources, like yoghurt or kimchi.

17. Drink moderately:

Iced cocktails drinking glass Free Photo

Increasing evidence suggests that moderate consumption of polyphenol-rich alcoholic beverages like wine or beer could have some health benefits but over consumption should be avoided as high doses can directly suppress a wide range if immune responses, and the alcohol abuse manifests increased incidence of number of infectious diseases. While consuming alcoholic beverages the drinking pattern, beverage type and gender differences should be taken into consideration. For a man 1 to 1.5 drink a day is beneficial while for women only half a drink affects.

18. Say no to smoking:

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According to research done in United States of America, smoking is proven as the single greatest cause of preventable death. Smoking interacts synergistically with stress altering proper functioning of immune system. It elevate white blood cells count and produce a decline in natural killer activity. To avoid smoking many ways can be adopted a few being chewing nicotine gum, using transdermal nicotine patches, yoga or deep breathing exercises.

19. Plug in some music:

Illustation of music concpet Free Vector

Listening to 50 minutes of uplifting dance music increases the level of antibodies leading to healthy immune system.. It is also well known to decrease stress hormones. A recent study says that people who play percussion instruments along with music have benefited from major upliftment of immunity.

20. Go outdoor:

Field with grass and clouds Free Photo

It is now proven that living close to nature and spending time outside has a significant and wide ranging benefits. Reports suggest that spending time in green space not only brings down stress but also boosts up immunity along with reducing risk of type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death and high blood pressure. So, its time to breathe in nature  and health together.

21. Stay hydrated:


Sportsman drinking water Free Photo

Osmotic state of any organism has a great influence on immune function. Thus, dehydrated state besides seizing energy also alters immune system’s function. To maintain optimal health one needs to drink at least 64 ounces or 8 glasses of water, but in case the individual lives in extremely hot or cold area or engages in exercise a lot then the suggested amount is at least a gallon.

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1 comment

What can a person do to strengthen their immune system? July 14, 2019 at 10:21 am

[…] We can boost our immunity by adopting some good habits. Below are the ten natural ways to boost immune system. […]


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