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20 Different Names of Lord Shiva with Meanings and Mantras

Lord Shiva or the Destroyer of the evil is one of the most fierce and at the same time one of the most innocent and easy to please Gods in our mythology.  Shiva is the ultimate truth, the ultimate reality, and the ultimate future. He destroys the evil and clenses the world for good and even if he is fierce but at the same time he is the very embodiment of love. He is so innocent that one does not require any ellaborate methods to please him, he is happy to recieve love from his devotees. 

 We call them by different names in different contexts. There are thousands different names of Lord Shiva is called by and each name has a different reason and a different story associated with it. All of these names are mentioned in our ancient texts. Some of these names are discussed below :


This name literally means the one who fulfills all the wishes of his devotees. Shiva is known to fulfill wishes of people who remember him at all times whether good or bad.

Mantra – ॐ नमः शिवाय ( Om Namah Shivay )
Chanting this mantra fulfills all the wishes of the worshipper.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is considered as the one who neither took birth nor will he have an end. He was there when nothing existed and he will remain the ultimate reality when everything will vanish. Therefore this name literally means as the first ever lord of the world.

Mantraॐ आदिनाथाय नमः  (Om Adinathay namah )                                                  Chanting this mantra provides focus and strength.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is the ultimate fearless and therefore considered as the destroyer of fear. In Sanskrit the word “ Bhay ” means fear and so Bhairav means the one who destroys fear.

Mantra – ॐ भैरवाय नमः ( Om Bhairavay Namah )
Chanting this mantra can give the person strength and also destroys confusion.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


The word “Bhola” means innocent and we all know that shiva forgives all sins committed by people if they ask for forgiveness and take up the right path. Therefore he is called as Bholenath or the one who is innocent.

Mantra – ॐ भोलेनथाय नमः (Om Bholenathay namah)
Chanting this mantra gives peace of mind.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


We know that Lord Shiva has the moon over his forehead therefore he is called as Chandraprakash which means someone who has moon over his head.

Mantra – ॐ चन्द्रप्रकाशय नमः (Om chandraprakashay Namah)
Chanting this mantra relieves one from stress.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva has locked the River Ganga into the interlocks of his hair so as to control her fierce flow which is capable of destroying the whole world due to which he is called Gangadhar which means who has Ganga in his hair.

Mantra – ॐ गंगाधराय नमः (Om Gangadharay Namah)
Chanting this mantra brings good fortune in the person’s life.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva’s wife i.e. Mother Parvati is called as Girija and therefore Shiva is called as Girijapati which literally means Mother Parvati’s husband.

Mantra – ॐ गिरिजापति नमः (Om Girijapati Namah)
Chanting this mantra is good for married women for their husband’s long life.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is the beginning of the word and at the same time end of the world as well and this makes him associated with everything in this universe. Therefore he is the creator of the universal sound as well i.e. “ OM ” and so he is called Omkar or the one who created “ OM ” .

Mantra – ॐ (Om)
It is usually chanated during meditation.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


The five elements of the world i.e. the earth, water, sky, fire and air all of them are collectively called the “ Panch Mahabhoot ” and lord shiva is considered the lord of these five elements and therefore called as Bhootnath.

Mantra – ॐ भूतनाथाय नमः ( Om Bhootnathay Namah)
Chanting this mantra destroys negativity.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is considered to reside on the Kailash Mountain and is considered the owner of the kailash and therefore called Kailashadipati.

Mantra – ॐ नमः शिवाय ( Om Namah Shivay )
Chanting this mantra fulfills all the wishes of the worshipper.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


We know that during the churning of the ocean Lord Shiva drank the poison called the halahala due to which his throat turned blue and he came to be known as Nilkanth or the one with blue throat.

Mantra –  ॐ नीलकंठाय नमः (Om Neelkanthay Namah )
Chanting this mantra frees one from diseases.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is known to have three eyes. One of the three eyes is situated upon his forehead and therefore he is called Lalataksha which means the one who has an eye on his forehead.

Mantra –  ॐ ललाटकक्षय  नमः (Om Lalatakshay Namah)
Chanting this helps the person focus.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is the lord of time who is endless and therefore is called as the Mahakaal.

Mantra –  ॐ महकालाय नमः ( Om Mahakaalay Namah )
Chanting this destroys fear.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


We know by now that Lord Shiva does not have an end and therefore he is considered to defeat death and is called as the one who has won over death and therefore the name Mahamritunjay.

Mantra – ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनानत् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्॥ 
(Om triyambakm yajamahe sughandin pushtivardhanam urvarukmi bandhanat mrityormokshi mamratat)
Chanting this stops untimely death.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva has interlocks of hair which are called as the Jata and therefore he is called as Jatin or the one with matted hair in the form of Jata.

Mantra – ॐ जटाधाराय  नमः ( Om Jatadharaya Namah )
Chanting this gives the person peace of mind.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is famous for his fierce dance called as the Shiv Tandav which is said to bring destruction of the world and therefore due to his extraordinary dancing skills he is called as Natraj or the king of dance.

Mantra – ॐ नटराजाय  नमः (Om Natrajay Namah)
Chnating this can enhance person’s creative skills.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


It is said that the asurs or the demons created the three worlds of absolute evil called as Tripur which were later destroyed by Shiva and therefore he is called as Tripurari.

Mantra – ॐ त्रिपुरारि नमः (Om Tripurari Namah)
Chanting this mantra destroys evil and negativity.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva is the owner of the universe and therefore called as the Vishwanath.

Mantra – ॐ विश्वनाथाय नमः (Om Vishwanathay Namah)
Chanting this mantra brings prosperity.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Vajra means thunder and hasth means hand which collectively is called Vajrahasth which is another name of Lord Shiva.

Mantra – ॐ वजृहस्ताय  नमः ( Om Vajrahastay Namah)
Chanting this helps gain strength.

Different Names of Lord Shiva


Lord Shiva has three eyes and therefore he came to be known as Trilochan or the one with three eyes.

Mantra – ॐ त्रिलोचनाय  नमः (Om Trilochanay Namah )
Chanting this is good for improving focus and concentration

Different Names of Lord Shiva

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