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26 Surprising Health Benefits of Apple that”ll make you eat one!

14. Prevents anaemia

Health Benefits Of Apple

Apple contains about 1% iron. Iron is an essential component which helps improve the haemoglobin content of one’s blood. It ensures smooth supply of oxygen to one’s heart.

15. Prevents osteoporosis

Health Benefits Of Apple

Phloridzin, a flavonoid, abundantly present in apple helps safeguard women’s from osteoporosis.

16. Liver health

Health Benefits Of Apple

Regular consumption of apple is found to promote the production of glutathione which in turn fights the toxins produced in the liver ultimately keeping liver in a healthy condition.

17. Bone health

Health Benefits Of Apple

Apple helps in rendering better bone density to women. Boron, found in apples, helps to strengthen the bones. It also contains 0.6% calcium which helps to keep bone in healthy condition. Apples contain polyphenols and flavonoids along with bone- building minerals which ensure good bone health. Here is a complete guide on how to boost bone health.

18. Boost of Energy

Health Benefits Of Apple

Quercetin, the antioxidant, boosts the transportation of oxygen to the lungs. This, in turn, helps you exercise better and reap better benefits.

19. Helps prevent gallstones

Health Benefits Of Apple

High fibre content in apples is what makes it the doctor’s choice while recommending food for gallstone prone patients. It also controls cholesterol level in body which is why the gallstones form in the first place.

20. Preventing Alzheimer’s

Health Benefits Of Apple

Recent studies have found that the Omege-3 acid present in apple juices helps in preventing Alzheimer’s. Apple is one of the rare foods which has omega-3 acid which also helps in sharpening the memory.

21. Night Vision

Health Benefits Of Apple

Apples contain 2% Vitamin A making it effective to prevent one against night blindness. It helps to keep eye healthy and keep night vision at optimum level.

22. Increases Endurance

Health Benefits Of Apple

Regular consumption of 2 apples before hitting the gym helps to increase the amount of oxygen in blood and ensure better work time at gym as it helps to reduce the chances of muscle cramps.

23. Alkalizing for body

Health Benefits Of Apple

Acidity in body is reduced to great extent only by having an apple after meal or before bed time. It also helps prevent acid reflux.

24. Great hair and nails

Health Benefits Of Apple

Hair fall is one of the one problem everyone is facing these days irrespective of gender because of the lack of the nutrition we are consuming these days. Apple works as a great source to control hair fall. Apples contain biotin which is a great nutrient for hair and skin, it boosts the growth and maintains strength. Procyanidin B-2 present in apple also prevents male pattern baldness.

25. Boost brain health

Health Benefits Of Apple

Looking for ways on how to sharpen your memory? Then, apple is a one fruit one should consume daily on a regular basis. Apples increase the amount of acetylcholine in the brain, which is linked to improving concentration, problem-solving, and sharps your memory.

26. Rich Source of Vitamin C

Health Benefits Of Apple

According to USDA, one large apple provides approximately 17% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C. This essential vitamin helps increase the immunity against infections and diseases. The ascorbic acid reserves found in apple helps in collagen formation which provides a range of natural skin solutions.

Final say…………

It’s rightly said, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Regular consumption of apple helps us supply with all the nutrients and vitamins. So, it might not be a complete food but sure is one of the blessing to our mankind right from the story of “Adam & Eve”.

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1 comment

Nihal March 25, 2019 at 9:59 pm

Very helpful 😊 thanks !!!


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