Get ready to uncover the stories of India’s fight for independence in “Swatantrya Veer Savarkar,” a gripping movie helmed by Randeep Hooda. With Randeep Hooda...
In recent times, cryptocurrencies are getting top headlines because of two factors; one is for increasing the market base and profit rate, and another is...
Some luxuries are hard to buy. It’s because, despite their ordinary look, they manage to empty the pockets of well-known billionaires. Richie Riches goes on...
Third-party browsers proliferate in the App Stores, and many of them are pretty great. Certain mobile browser protects your surfing habits by preventing web spies...
Priyanka is one of the leading actresses in the Bollywood film industry, and she has given many blockbuster movies.There will never be replacement for this...